
Livin Life, one day at a time, and filling you in on the randomness of it all!

I’ve MOVED!! April 1, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sara @ 6:35 pm

HELLOOOOOO FRIENDS!!!!! Yes, I’ve moved!!! Don’t worry…nothings changing but the name and layout….still the same old rambling me, filling you in on it all:) I hope all you follow me at my new BLOGGY HOME! Please come and visit, let me know what you think, and don’t forget to subscribe at my new home šŸ™‚


I’m Not Here…. March 9, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sara @ 3:40 pm

I’m doing my FIRST EVER guest post….and I’m lucky enough to get to do it at one my favorite blogs!! Stop by and see what I’m saying to 18 Year Old Me in If I Could Turn Back TimeĀ …Ā and be sure toĀ blogstalk look around and check out all the awesomeness that’s going on at Chosen ChaosĀ !

Have a great day friends! šŸ™‚

—Oh…and I don’t want to forget….IĀ stoleĀ borrowed this image straight from Chosen Chaos...Hope no one minds too much! ;P


Happy *NotReallyMyBirthday* Birthday To Me! March 7, 2012

Filed under: Link Ups,Uncategorized — Sara @ 10:22 pm

Happy Birthday To Me!! A few months earlyā€¦Okay so itā€™s not my birthday, itā€™s the Birthday MeMe and I’ve been tagged by MommasTime

On My Birthday

When is you birthday?Ā Ā September 1

Pick three people who share your birthday and share what you know about them.Ā 

    • Edgar Rice Burroughs ā€“ DOB 9/1/1875 ā€“ Sci-Fi Author ā€“ think Tarzan, the Mars Saga (You know that new movie John Carter thatā€™s about to release? It’s based on his woks), the list goes on and onā€¦. I also know that without him writing his Tarzan series almost 100 years ago, my kids wouldnā€™t have this movieā€¦and in turn Iā€™d have a lot less sanity

    • Dr. Phil ā€“ DOB 9/1/1950 ā€“ TV doctorā€¦Iā€™m using the term ā€˜doctorā€™ loosely

Dr. Phil VS Dr. Feel

  • Scott Speedman ā€“ DOB 9/1/1975 ā€“ Remember that guy on Felicity?? Yup, this is himā€¦turns out heā€™s done a lot of acting, but I remember him as Ben on Felicity


Is anyone listed as being born on the same day as you (ie the same year)? If so, what do you know about them?

It doesnā€™t appear soā€¦.

List three people who died on your birthday and tell us what you know about them.

    • Marin Mersenne ā€“ DOD 9/1/1648 ā€“ He was famous mathematician, theologian, and philosopher, a music theorist, and had also been referred to as ā€œthe father of acousticsā€ā€¦ and in the early part of the 1600ā€™s he was ā€œthe center of the world of mathematics and scienceā€

    • William Clark ā€“ DOD 9/1/1838 ā€“ Heā€™s the Clark in Lewis & Clark. In addition to that he served as Governor of the Missouri Territory and then in 1822 (until his death in 1838) he served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs

  • Louis XIV of France ā€“ DOD 9/1/1715 ā€“ What do you want to know about himā€¦.Iā€™ll give the cliff notes version ā€“ Ruled France for over 72 years, longer than any other ruler in European History, moved into Palace of Versailles, which is where I learned of himā€¦well where I learned more than he was just a French Rulerā€¦I could keep going but if youā€™re interested just click here and check out his wiki

List three notable events that took place on your birthday.

    • The first cycle of the Byzantine Calendar, believed to be the beginning of all time, took place September 1, 5509 BC to August 31, 5508 BCā€¦.Iā€™d say the dawning of time is a pretty significant eventā€¦right ;P
    • The Liberty Bell was delivered to Philadelphia on 9/1/1752

  • Nazi Germany attacked/invaded Poland on 9/1/1939, brining WWII to Europe

Last Up – Tag five more people…Hmmm…who to harass today?? I’m still working on this part… but if you want to play too (Come on I can’t be the only one who LOVES link ups like these…) just yell and I’ll add your link! šŸ™‚

Be sure to stop by and blogstalkĀ  check out everyone who’s joining in!!

LovingMyMommyLife @ Operation Mommyhood



A Mom’s Food Pyramid March 6, 2012

Filed under: humor,Link Ups,Uncategorized — Sara @ 9:11 pm

Convo from the other day:

Friend: I have the house to myself for a few hours Saturday morning; I could get so much done

Me: (interrupting) or you could sleep in or watch TV and be lazy

Friend: Thatā€™s kind of what I was thinking

Me: And hey, since wineā€™s made of grapes that could totally count as a fruit for breakfast…plus it’s full ofĀ antioxidantsĀ and such

Friend: Double win ā€“ I was thinking a Mimosaā€¦the oranges and allā€¦.

Me & Friend rambling at the same time:

What about OJ & Vodkaā€¦

Thatā€™s a fruit and a grainā€¦

wait vodka’s made from potatoes not grainsā€¦

thatā€™s a fruit and a veggieā€¦

throw in a beer and you have a well-balanced mealā€¦.

Hubby shaking his head and laughing from the other roomā€¦.

Friendsā€™ response to his doubts that this combo constitutes a nutritious meal: Beer comes from barley – Ā that stuff has lots of health benefits, itā€™s very good for you

?????? I canā€™t believe anyone would doubt my logic about eating healthy ?????

My *updated* Food Pyramid - We all know if it's on the internet it MUST be true!!

But for you doubters out there — I say throw in a side of bacon (or bacon vodka….) for some protein, that HAS to make it a well-balanced meal right?

So there you have it…a lesson in kid free healthy eating…and a fresh new perspective on the tired old food pyramid….Yes I know I left out the dairy group, but if you must add it in just throw in a bowl of ice cream or if you need a double win go for the Whipped Cream Vodka…then you get a dairy and a veggie šŸ˜‰

*ESO Error = Equipment Superior ToĀ Operator

Want some more of my lovely meal time logic?? These relating to kiddo eating šŸ™‚

Cookie Dough For Dinner

Doritos For Breakfast

Don’t forget to check out all the great posts at this weeks

and link up yourself!! šŸ™‚


10 Things I Stink At March 5, 2012

Filed under: Link Ups,Lists,Uncategorized — Sara @ 3:37 pm

10 – SingingĀ – I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket…though I’ve been know to belt it out when in the car all by myself…Oh that reminds me…I also like to hold the imaginary soap and sing ‘All By Myself’, doing my best ‘Half Baked’ shower scene impression from time to time…**Passes out earplugs to you all**

9 – Doing anything early – I’m a huge procrastinator! I work better under pressure….otherwise I just think ‘Why am I doing this now, I have weeks!’..Not to be confused with lateness…I meet my deadlines…just at the last possible moment at times

8 – Keeping a spotless houseĀ – You guys saw a few weeks back Everything I’d rather do, other than clean….It’s a long list…my house is no ‘Worlds Messiest House’, by any means, but it’s not nearly as spotless as my I’d like…maybe someday?!

7 – Volleyball – I’m going with logic from the movie Clueless for this one….I don’t participate in any activity where balls fly at my nose….just saying… [Ok…this may have more to do with #2 on my list than movie logic if we’re being honest here ;P ]


6 – Whistling – My dad can whistle any tune you can come up with…and loud…Me?? I’ve been trying since I was a kid…I can barely squeak out aĀ  noise…my poor hubby has to listen to me walk through house attempting to whistle all the time

5 – Drawing – I’m a doodler…I fill pages with random doodles…but ask me draw something real, something specific, and I stink…for lack of a betterĀ word…I know a lot of being able draw is technique, but these are techniques I never learned. As an adult it’s never been something I was interested in enough to continue trying to learn…I’m cool with my doodles….and one day I’d like to try my hand at pottery

One of my doodles

4 – Rollerblading…I’d like to think I’m decent, but in reality I can barely go straight, I can’t stop, & I can’t turn…

3 – Watching a movie quietly – don’t worry I don’t do this in the theater…but if I know the hubby’s already seen the movie I ask 5 million questions about ‘Who is that?’ ‘What’s going on?’ etc…I don’t know why I can’t just wait and see

2 – Sticking with something I stink at – Yup, I said it, I’m a quitter… when it comes to adding new hobbies or playing new games…if I’m not good at something (ex- a phone game that shall remain nameless but involves flinging birds into pigs to kill them…) it must be dumb and therefore I quit…like how I spin that?…I’m not good at it, so it’s dumb ;p

1 – Avoiding Sweets – I can’t keep them in the house or I’ll eat the whole package it. It’s bad!! I managed to lose a lot of weight a few years back, but I had to only buy and keep junk food everyone else liked and I didn’t….Perfect example–A few weeks ago I bought a box of banana chips and ate the whole thing in an afternoon…Here’s the deal–First off banana chip are fried not dried fruits..who knew?! Besides that, it turns out the box I ate in one afternoon was 10 servings…I ate 90 grams of fat in one sitting?! That’s beyond ridiculous!! I have no self control when it comes to sweets and junk foods

Yes, they were all mine...Dessert at LaMadeleines...and no I couldn't manage to snap the before I quality controlled the chocolate...

So…What do you stink at?? Link up and let us know!


Autism Cares – Free iPad’s for Autism March 2, 2012

Filed under: Autism,Uncategorized — Sara @ 7:58 pm

Autism Cares – Free iPad’s for Autism

**FREE iPad 2’s for autism kiddos** —-Nope this isn’t spam I PROMISE…Just passing on a deal I found out about….from one parent to another šŸ™‚

Fill out the form, that you’ll find at the attached link, byĀ MARCH 7, 2012Ā for your chance toĀ receiveĀ an iPad 2 for your child. I know how much my sons have learned using *theirs and I’m sharing this link in hopes it will help some of you get an iPad as well.

My sons school sent this link to me. I am in no wayĀ affiliatedĀ with the company nor do they even know I exist. I’m just passing on the info that was shared with me…hopefully some of you can get some good from it!! šŸ™‚

*I want to clarify when I say *their iPad’s above, we did notĀ receiveĀ them through thisĀ company. We raised the fundsĀ throughĀ Give Forward, another great Autism FundingĀ ResourceĀ 




The BEST Spot In The House

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sara @ 7:10 pm

My Spotā€¦.Ry and I actually fight over this spotā€¦.Well more like he allows me to use his spot while heā€™s in school. Iā€™m not really sure if you need an explanation as to why this is the best spot in the houseā€¦.You have complete control over all the electronic devices and you can ignoreĀ Ā tuneout attempt to tune out all the shenanagins going on in the background.ā€¦.and if you read my Feb/March Photo Challenge catch up postā€¦which I *KNOW* you didā€¦.my favorite spot doubles as my at home officeā€¦.talk about a lazy lady WIN!!!

As usual I’m running late to the link up, but be sure to check out all the great posts this weeks at Mamaā€™s Losinā€™ It


High School Reunion..To Go or Not to Go? February 27, 2012

Filed under: Link Ups,Lists,thoughts,Uncategorized — Sara @ 3:59 pm

10 8 (Mildly Humorous) Reasons Iā€™m likely to pass on my high school reunion:

ā€¢ I havenā€™t gone anywhere, anyone who wanted to stay in touch could have easily, and I have stayed in touch with those I was closest to

ā€¢ Facebook is basically a giant high school reunion every day

ā€¢ I rarely get a sitter, Iā€™d much rather spend a kid free evening out with the hubby or our friends

ā€¢ I didnā€™t really like high school the first time around

ā€¢ I saw pic of a previous years reunionā€¦it was in a barā€¦doesnā€™t that say enough??

ā€¢ Itā€™s only been 10 yearsā€¦I donā€™t miss anyone that much yetā€¦ask me again in time for my 20 year reunion

ā€¢ I might get beaten with a plastic coke bottleā€¦Remember that school that made Lettermanā€™s Top 10 List? That was my schoolā€¦hereā€™s a clip of the article for your entertainment value:

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Just after 11 a.m., a handful of students in the cafeteria began fighting. The school’s two on-site police officers tried to break up the fight using pepper spray. The melee escalated and backup officers were called in. By the time they arrived, 25 students were throwing bottles and fighting each other. Over 200 other students were nearby, most of them watching the commotion, and staying out of the way. Two police officers were wounded in trying to restore order. One was cut on his hand while the other sustained a cut to his head. Eleven students received minor injuries during the fight. Most of these injuries were minor scrapes and bruises and for breathing in the pepper spray. The backup officers were able to pull students out of the fight and arrest them. Their actions brought the whole fight to quick end. Six Bowie students and two adults were detained by the police for instigating, or sustaining, the fight. School officials said Bowie is not a troubled school, even though police records show that 14 fights have already taken place at the school since January 1. In comparison, Martin High School, the district’s largest, has had 17 fights already this calendar year. Source: Dallas Morning News – 13 Hurt, 8 Held in Fight at Arlington Bowie High

and hereā€™s where I found the article onlineĀ [I just copied and pasted it for you guys]

—I have to say the so-called ‘riot’ wasn’t nearly as entertaining or amusing as the news made it out to be

ā€¢ I just donā€™t care that much

My Old High Shcool

Iā€™m a MondayListicles Failure this weekā€¦.I canā€™t come up with 10 reasons to or not to attend my High School Reunionā€¦I guess I should get to thinking since itā€™s coming up this year

Can’t get enough? Want to know more about High School Me? Just click on the link…or click HEREĀ to find out more šŸ™‚


Autism Is & Isn’t February 22, 2012

Filed under: Autism,kids,Parenting,thoughts,Uncategorized — Sara @ 5:27 pm
Tags: , ,

Autism is:

  • Finding new creative ways to teach our cuties, itā€™s not that they arenā€™t smart itā€™s that they learn differently, you have to find what works for each child individually
  • Knowing when to stop pushing to avoid meltdowns / but knowing how much to push to encourage learning.
  • Positive Reinforcers (aka bribery)ā€¦and lots of themā€¦.hey I donā€™t work for free eitherā€¦just saying
  • Different for every child ā€¦just as every child is different, autism or not
  • As a parent, trying to give your child all the fun experiences any child should get the opportunity to enjoy, all while sheltering them from the stares, the possible sensory overloads, and the general assheadness of many out there who mistake things like stimming for misbehaving
  • Celebrating the small victories
  • Remembering that autism is not our kids, our kids may have autism, but our kids are still just kids
  • Realizing that no matter how frustrating it may feel at times from the parent side of it, remembering it’s a million times more frustrating for our cuties…not being able to express what they are trying to, it’s heartbreaking
  • Being a translator…to the world my sons speaks a foreign language, to me he speaks pretty clearly
  • A constant fear of regression
  • You, as a parent, fighting for all the services your kids need and finding ways to make sure they get them

Autism isnā€™t:

  • Caused by lazy parents..while experts cannot agree on what causes autism, and I have my own 2 cents on the issue….it is 100% NOT caused by lazy parenting
  • All savants and rainmen, yes there are some true geniuses out thereā€¦some with autism, some without, but autism doesnā€™t always = geniusness
  • Excusesā€¦.as parents itā€™s our job to make sure our kids learn; learn right from wrong, learn appropriate behaviors, learn anything and everything they can learn, anything and everything we can teach them, no excuses are acceptable
  • Therapy 24/7, or at least it shouldnā€™t beā€¦.yes consistency is important, but remembering that everyone needs a break and needs down time is equally important. I donā€™ t get parents that push therapy all the timeā€¦My job is to be mom, to tackle the mom duties, the therapists job is to do therapyā€¦.my job is to carry over what I can into the home, not to do hours of nightly drills after my kiddos already put in a full day at school and after school therapy
  • Badā€¦I hate all the whinningā€¦in fact I have 2 posts ranting all about it, just waiting for my Bloggy Blankitis to go away so I can finish up the postsā€¦.Venting is 100% okay, but realizing autism isnā€™t bad/terrible/tragic/the end of the world is so important.

Soā€¦to sum up my mini rantā€¦.Autism is learning new creative ways to make sure our cuties learn, everything else is just parentingā€¦.remembering our kids are still kids and are perfect just the way they are, and LOVING them like CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a final thought on being nonverbal, ā€œJust because I have no words doesnā€™t mean I have nothing to sayā€.


Hating Handwriting When Drinking? No, It’s Just Another Catch Up Post… February 21, 2012

Filed under: 30 Day Photo Challenge,Link Ups,photos,Uncategorized — Sara @ 7:27 pm


OJ & Rum in a Mason Jar…just screw the lid on for an instant shaker, uncap & enjoy…I’ll admit this may be a little red (aka redneck) but it’s less dishes for me lol


And since everyone loves to upcycle stuff these days, I give you Halloween votive holders I got on clearance for $0.10 a piece and upcycled them into shot glasses \_/*Cheers!*\_/


Something I Hate To Do
Laundry – It’s never ending!




AĀ Fav Pic Of Me

How about a pic of me and the hubs being goofy…..