
Livin Life, one day at a time, and filling you in on the randomness of it all!

Did She Just Go There…Oh No She Didn’t! Wait…Maybe She Did… August 10, 2011

Blogging…It’s sort of new to me. I’ve had this blog for a while now but am just really starting to use it….This brings me to my question?? Censoring myself…What do I want to post, do I want to go there, so to speak, on certain, maybe controversial topics? My answer..Yes and no…with a little I don’t know thrown in…

Those who know me in RL know where I stand on issues that are important to me. I’d never not defend my views; however do I want to throw certain things out there?  Not too sure yet honestly…I’m a big believer in ‘If you wouldn’t say or do it in front of your spouse, you shouldn’t do it period’, but he knows my thoughts. Most we agree on, when and if we don’t, we know how to agree to disagree…That’s the thing….the online world doesn’t seem as quick to agree to disagree, or even disagree respectfully….they can be as mean, rude, nasty… not that I can’t take it, it’s that I’m not sure if I care to…make sense? Blogging should be fun right? Plus, like I said before, I’m new to blogging, I’m not trying to run off readers (Stupid…maybe, but the thought sill crossed my mind).

And not every post will be on a touchy subject…I love to see the happiness, find the simple joys, and celebrate the small victories..and fill you in on all of it…

If I hold back my beliefs, views, thoughts, etc it doesn’t really seem fair. Isn’t the point of blogging to connect with those similar, share stories, vent frustrations? Then again, I’m never trying to offend, and I don’t want to spend every post defending my thoughts…or do I? I guess the more discussion, and different views, the more I’ll learn too. I’m always open to seeing things in a new light…just please, I’m begging you, be polite…tell me you think I’m wrong, challenge my views, just don’t be nasty…we are all adults here…right?  Most importantly, come back and visit soon! 😉


Fake Cough Disease – It’s Spreading Like Crazy! July 31, 2011

It’s catching!! A severe case of ‘Fake Cough Disease’ is running rampant thru my house these days. What is this mysterious contagious illness and why am I happy my kids have come down with it??

It’s probably something most parents deal with daily, faking for attention. So, you ask, why am I happy my kids have developed a condition that has me asking ‘Are you okay?’ all day? Simple answer, autism.

No, I’m not blaming autism for anything…but my kids have never shown a whole lot of interest in how their brothers were doing, and lately anytime someone gets a little too much water in the pool, or the Kool-aid goes down the wrong way, I have a whole army of coughing kiddos not just one. Everyone waiting to told ‘You’re okay, you’re doing awesome’. Then, they flash you that huge smile and go about their shenenegins.

It’s a huge development. To most parents it’s just a copying a sibling, to me it’s imitation, something we’ve been working on for years in therapy. Why is it so important to me, because without imitation teaching can be rather difficult.

Example- Imagine trying to teach someone to tie their shoes when they won’t even imitate picking up the shoe lace. Try teaching you child Itsy Bitsy Spider, when instead of coping the hand motions they just stare and you like you’re a ding dong. In some situations hand over hand can only go so far. I realize theres more to teaching than imitation, however, I feel, it does play a role in many aspects of learning.

So, I welcome the highly contagious ‘Fake Cough Disease’ into my home, and with that say YAY to learning, wether it’s thru hours of drills at the therapy table, or the simple act of copying your brother to get extra attention.

~~And if the ‘Fake Cough Disease’ gets too serious I’m sure just bringing out a bottle of cough syrup would clear it up for everyone;)


–> *Disclaimer–None of products listed above are actually for the treatment or cure of ‘Fake Cough Disease’, nor do the manufacturers recommend their products for this usage- only actually use medicine under the supervision of a medical professional 😉