
Livin Life, one day at a time, and filling you in on the randomness of it all!

Lunches Made Easy (Easier).. January 6, 2012

Filed under: family,food,kids,Money Saving Meals,Parenting,shopping — Sara @ 8:56 pm


















Isn’t this too cute?? I thought so too…but yeah I’m not that mom, in fact most days I’m lucky to get everyone out the door on time,with matching shoes and socks, and hair and teeth brushed…So here’s my lunches made easy easier / solution to massive amounts of wasted snack foods in house….

The Problem:

Spills, Spills, and More Spills === Lots of wasted food

Children Who Dump Out Everything  === Lots of wasted food

Snackaholic Little People === Lots of wasted food



Wasted food makes me sick for 2 reasons –

  • Money Doesn’t grow on trees
  • There are so many hungry people out there, I hate throwing a whole bag of food away


Then there’s the mess factor, as if there’s not enough to clean up just having 3 monsters – dumped out, crumbled up food is not a mess I care to add to my normal mom duties. Add in that when I buy groceries they are meant to last a whole a week, for lunches at school, snacks, etc.   Top that off with the fact that  mornings are chaotic around here,  and I was spending an extra 30 minutes bagging up breakfasts, lunches, and snacks x 4.


So I had a plan…


Confession – I actually saw this on an eposide of Wife Swap years ago, laughed at it because it seemed like a time consuming waste, then decided to try it out and it’s working wonders….but getting back  on track…


I bought a weeks’ worth of cereals, snacks, and breakfast goodies, bagged them into individual serving sizes, boxed them up, and stashed the boxes in a top secret hiding place…Okay the top shelf of the pantry buried behind my warehouse club supply of paper towels….Suprisingly enough it didn’t take nearly long as I expected, in fact since I wasn’t still half asleep, like in the mornings, it took no time at all.







Setting up to start














Pre-Bagged Portion Controlled Munchies



So far I’ve cut the hecticness down in the mornings for myself, and the kids can’t find the sancks so they don’t get wasted. Pretty Genius huh?



Black Friday Wisdom November 25, 2011

My dad has always been full of genius words of wisdom…Example- When someone asks ‘What if…?’ His response is, ‘If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle’. Can’t beat logic like that, right? So with Black Friday sales starting momentarily I’d like to pass on another bit of dads wisdom, this relating to shopping, and things we don’t really need. He’s always told me drilled into my head that ‘To save is not to spend’. So when you’re standing in lines in the freezing cold remember….if you didn’t really need it in the first place, you’re not really saving.

And to those of you just out to shop and have a good time…Good Luck!! Hope you find some amazing deals!! Can’t wait to hear about them….while I’m snuggled up in my PJ’s recovering from Turkey Day Shenanagins 😉
