
Livin Life, one day at a time, and filling you in on the randomness of it all!

Rather Than Clean… February 20, 2012

Filed under: Link Ups,Lists — Sara @ 8:06 pm

10 Things I’d Rather Be Doing….Instead Of Cleaning The Casa

Nothing….I LOVE to clean…

…wait for it…the lighting will strike me momentarily…

…So, I only get 10 things?!

(in no particular order)

1- Hanging out with the fam

2- Napping on a quiet beach somewhere

3- Eating a gianormous dessert at a restaurant

4- Catching up on the DVR

5- Roaming the park on a nice day….and not in the creeperish park stalker kind of way!!

6- Flying to Paris to shop & eat crepes

7- Writing this highly entertaining list for your entertainment value

8- Baking

9- Enjoying a mixed beverage

10- Playing on my phone

Know what would make me give anything to be at home cleaning? If it meant I wasn’t here….
Cutie napping on the table at the Dr’s office…Poor guy!!!

11 Responses to “Rather Than Clean…”

  1. paul Says:

    Napping on a beach, crepes in Paris. Great list

  2. Ado Says:

    If you do no. 6 I’m packing a bag and coming with you. (-:
    Great listicle.

  3. Stasha Says:

    I do love your list but more then anything I hope your cutie is better in a jiffy and you are back home cleaning and packing for Paris πŸ™‚

    • Sara Says:

      Thanks! He’s actually starting to perk up a little….modern medicine is amazing and I am beyond thankful for it….now to disinfect the house in an effort to avoid contaminating his brothers…

  4. jamie Says:

    I swear I didn’t read your blog — before I wrote my post. Seems we both had identical thoughts about lightening strikes. No, I could never say I like to clean. I’ve heard rumors that some people actually do.

    • Sara Says:

      Lol Great minds think alike πŸ™‚ I should be cleaning right now, but instead I’m pondering #2 on your list….those cleaner fumes may be more than I can handle…I should prob start contemplating your house hunting idea too…That would fix it all…no cleaning needed in a fresh house…right? πŸ˜‰

  5. Teresa Says:

    I can’t believe I forgot to put my phone on my list too. I am glued to that thing. Aw! Your poor little guy slept in the doc’s office?

  6. I agree with napping on the beach! Or really anything besides cleaning πŸ™‚

  7. […] – Keeping a spotless houseΒ – You guys saw a few weeks back Everything I’d rather do, other than clean….It’s a long list…my house is no […]

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